Wrong to link unions, NDP


Re: New Democrats are on a roll, Dec. 15 editorial.


Re: New Democrats are on a roll, Dec. 15 editorial.

As a public-sector worker, I find your ham-fisted, stereotypical portrayal of those who belong to unions as being “deeply connected to the NDP,” quite insulting.

Quite frankly, I don’t care what the name of the party is that runs our province, as long as it is honest, fair, reasonable and serves the public interest – as we all do our best to do – rather than selling our province to the one per cent corporate interest.

Sadly for all of us, the Liberals are and have been none of these.

Can you say “BC Rail” and “illegally breaking contracts with health-care workers and teachers?” Furthermore, the cost overruns alone on the Convention Centre were more than the entire cost of building the fast ferries.

The Libs have proven over and over again that their mean-spirited, right-wing and neo-American Republican perspective trumps common sense and public interest.

Public sector and private sector careers each have their own advantages and disadvantages, each serving to benefit our province.

Your reductive, simplistic and divisive portrayals of the private and the public show that you have a real future – in the Liberal party! No wonder you are so worried about the NDP and stunningly misinformed about the issues in public sector bargaining.

Do some research.

Micheal Sapic, Surrey

Peace Arch News