The Gardener’s Corner

Yes, gardening is work, but take the time to enjoy the fruits of your labour

Do you sometimes get the idea that going in the garden means work? Why not take time to enjoy your accomplishments; perhaps take along a notebook and pen to remind you of things to do one day.

Do you sometimes get the idea that going in the garden means work? Why not take time to enjoy your accomplishments; perhaps take along a notebook and pen to remind you of things to do one day.

I, for one, am a perfectionist, and with that said, I enjoy having my surroundings in order (my outdoor space).

Living next to Highway 16, I notice people running to the post office or speeding along the highway. Yes, we all have a lot to accomplish; why not take some time off and enjoy our beautiful valley?

I just took time to do just that; when I noticed a few leaves on the clematis turned green. The fruit trees are getting ready to show off their beauty by flowering and also attracting the bees.

When I walked by the fish pond, I noticed a leaf from one of the waterlilies had come to the surface.

Weeds are the word most gardeners are trying to avoid. I mentioned some time ago how to deal with this without literally breaking one’s back.

There are tools to make this job more pleasant. My experience maintaining 20-some gardens a week forced me to find a way to do this critical job the most effective way. Preparing for weeding by having the right tool, as well as set a time limit.

Even if you just loosen the weed, they will die and nearly disappear in a day or two. I do most of my weeding after a rainfall or watering.

Gardening is hard work, and when I talk to folks, I have suggested setting a time for work, then go into the house and get something refreshing, then come out and enjoy the fruit of your labours. The result of doing too much yard work at one time might give the chiropractors an opportunity to make extra dollars.

I noticed the bedding plants are available for sale. If you are getting them now, it is a good idea to take them home, but not to planting outside until the night temperature gets to be eight or 10 degrees.

If you have space, take the plants out of the pack and divide them into small pots. By doing this, the plants have a chance to grow to nearly double in size.

Weeks before the planting, get the flower bed ready; you can remove any weeds before the planting day.

It is also advantageous to make the planting area quite wet before planting to give the young plants a much better start.

Now is an excellent time to talk about what to do if we get frost in the growing season. In the morning, before the sun hits the bedding plants, perhaps also in the vegetable garden, spray water lightly on plants. By doing this, you will wash off any rime on the plants and prevent them from withering.

If you have questions or suggestions for topics, please email me at

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