Yes, let’s vote

We have a housing shortage and the cheapest form of housing is apartments



Yes, let’s vote

Yes, let’s vote; now that there are so many ways and it is takes so little time out of our busy lives we have no excuse not to. But sorry Mr. Slade when a party chooses to ignore a letter from a small business (which everyone keeps telling me drives the economy) as the GreenParty and Ms. Furstenau’s office chose to do I cannot consider this to be responsible government.

All parties have to change, and adapt to the changing times and changes in the way humans interact with the planet but if the parties don’t also keep small businesses alive and safe then what is the result?

We have a housing shortage and the cheapest form of housing is apartments; anyone wonder why there were no new four-storey apartments built in Duncan from 1998 until just recently? It’s not rocket science; if you can’t protect or offer any security to people willing to invest in this type of infrastructure, then they simply won’t. If you want to know more just come and find me and I will tell you.

But in the meantime, let’s do some research and vote.

Russ Bradshaw


Cowichan Valley Citizen