‘You are supposed to be stewards’

Maple Ridge Towers being sold to help other properties

Editor, The News:

Re: People don’t sell their cars, homes to pay bills (Letters, Feb. 24).

I can relate to that with the position that we, tenants of the Legion Towers, have been put in.  You mentioned that people don’t sell their houses to pay the bills and that is exactly what is happening with the Legion and the Towers.  Sell it to make repairs to other properties and be left with a surplus of $8 millions.

If you substitute province for Legion, you are supposed to be stewards of the Legion, not the destroyers. Somewhere along the line something has gone amiss from being one of the richest Legions in the Dominion to being cash-strapped.  Before the vote takes place, there should be a meeting for a vote of non-confidence with regard to our present executive.

Bob Kerfoot

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News