You are welcome to your suffering

As for myself, I’ll settle for the rewards offered by my credit cards, but am not partial to pain and discomfort.

Re: ‘Doctors assist leads to hell,’ a letter to the editor in the Jan. 7 edition of The NEWS.

The writer states: “Putting up with sufferings for a few years to have an eternity of rewards is something I’ll be happy to go through.”

That’s fine with me and I wish him well. As for myself, I’ll settle for the rewards offered by my credit cards, but am not partial to pain and discomfort.

To each his own, but I don’t think anyone should expect to impose their personal beliefs/myths on the majority of the population. Since I don’t expect to be floating around in the clouds with my parents and all my cats and favorite aunt, I’d prefer to forgo the pain and discomfort.

His God might have a good reason for causing people to suffer and leave the world as they entered it “helpless and mewling” (Shakespeare), but I don’t get it and would prefer to take my chances with as easy an exit as possible.

James PatersonQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News