You broke a heart

Editor: To the person that shot the horse in the Francois Lake area, you didn't just kill a horse you broke a heart.


To the person that shot the horse in the Francois Lake area, you didn’t just kill a horse you broke a heart.

You didn’t just kill an animal with your careless shot you killed a beautiful well trained horse, a pet with a name and an owner. Who by the way is devastated.

Just so you know she was a $10,000 horse and with a few more years of training she would have been a $30,000.

We may not know who you are but you do. I hope you realize what you did and feel just a bit of remorse and think before you make that next fool-handy shot. You are not a mighty hunter, you are a trigger happy fool.

May this be a warning to other hunters who choose to hunt on private land without permission or at least letting the owners know.

There could be people out in those fields with the horse at anytime. Good-bye beautiful Torry, you are dearly loved and greatly missed.

Think before you shoot.


Mary Jane Ritchey


Burns Lake Lakes District News