‘You don’t wait until the soldiers are in the streets’

Dear editor,

The fact we are still able to criticize does not mean we are not well on our way down the slippery slope to totalitarianism.

Dear editor,

The fact we are still able to criticize does not mean we are not well on our way down the slippery slope to totalitarianism and dictatorship.

One is ill advised to wait until one can no longer criticize to raise the warning of impending dictatorship.

If one does wait too long, one will never have the opportunity to raise such an alarm.

We have a federal leader who is inclined towards secrecy, consistently acts without regard for the people, has repeatedly introduced laws which defy our constitution and charter, has gone out of its way to crush dissent, and has introduced laws that are designed to quell any sort of display of public dissent.

You don’t wait until the soldiers are in the streets and the Opposition squashed to raise concerns about dictatorship.

You do it before it gets there.

And, yes, folks, under Stephen Harper, Canada is well on its way to dictatorship.

Will Webster

Comox Valley Record