Young canvasser takes cause to heart

As a 16-year-old high school student at Cowichan Secondary, I have been interested in the Heart and Stroke Foundation since about 2008

As a 16-year-old high school student attending Cowichan Secondary, I have been interested in the Heart and Stroke Foundation since about 2008 when I was attending Maple Bay Elementary, in Grade 2.

With the school it was always different. You would jump rope, then go collect funds for the two weeks you had. Every year I was the top student to raise the most money in the school. Grade 6 was my last year doing it through the school, so I set a goal of raising $1,000, finishing off with a total of $1,061!

Yes I might be one of the youngest canvassers, but I stand tall, and I sure don’t let anyone or anything bring me down. I set goals, I go door to door, to family members, work places, I set a goal of raising over $1,061 this year as that was what I last raised for this charity, and I finished with a total of $1,475 canvassing straight through the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Every year, I dedicate my hard work to my grandfather Malcolm Oakes, who has suffered a stroke. This year also, I would like to dedicate my work to another family member, my uncle George Scholten, who lives with a pacemaker to keep his heart regulated as well as two artificial heart valves. Every day my family is thankful, for this charity.

I would like to thank each and every one who took the time out to donate to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Remember, every seven seconds, a Canadian dies from either a stroke or a heart disease.


Amy Oakes


Cowichan Valley Citizen