

Young people acting like ‘covidiots’

In the now infamous words of Greta Thunberg..."HOW DARE YOU?"

Young people acting like ‘covidiots’

In the now infamous words of Greta Thunberg…”HOW DARE YOU?”

I have been quiet about this up until now, but as I watch various news media and see endless clips of the same youth that pulled out of school to scold us older folks about how we are destroying the planet, I find myself becoming infuriated, angry at the completely selfish, self-centered and disrespectful behaviour of many younger folks, particularly toward their elders.

Acting in an arrogant fashion and entitled manner regarding their social and moral obligation toward those older folks who they owe their lives to and whose health and well being is jeopardized by their inconsiderate behaviours. This in respect to a lack of “social distancing” and self-isolation and personal sanitation behaviours.

My anger is bubbling over! These folks seem to think this is some sort of joke; I’ve even heard the words “boomer remover” mentioned. I am beyond polite words to these folks. There is a huge lack of acquired intelligence among many of them. In my view we have obviously done a poor job of upbringing for some of our young humans to so disregard their elders. I guess our problem is that this entitled lot of humans has never made a sacrifice, nor dealt with a difficult time in their lives to actually know what some folks like me are talking about. “How Dare You”! I include a definition I obtained from another public source.

covidiot noun

co•vid•i•ot I \ koo-‘v1-di-at \

1. a stupid person w ho stubbornly ignores

‘social distancing’ protocol, thus helping to further spread COVID-19.

‘Are you seriously going to visit grandma?

Dude, don’t be such a covidiot.’

2. a stupid person who hoards groceries, needlessly spreading COVID-19 fears and depriving others of vital supplies.

‘See that guy with the 200 toilet paper rolls?

What a covidiot.’

Bryan Wallis

Maple Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen