Young Trudeau stirs Beatlemania memories

Six months ago the Liberal Party swept into power on a tumultuous Red Tide.

Six months ago the Liberal Party swept into power on a tumultuous Red Tide; there have been many positive changes in Ottawa, but some government actions have not lived up to the hype about openness and transparency. Among them are broken campaign pledges surrounding gigantic budget deficits, and very inept, contradictory and confusing communications surrounding the Saudi arms deal and certain Minister’s fundraisers. Yet The Chosen One’s popularity continues to grow; it all reminds me of Beatlemania, way back before this young politician with matinee-idol good looks was even born.

For obvious reasons, like unkept promises and lack of truthfulness, I’ve never taken any politician too seriously; so offer an imaginary peek into the forthcoming trip to India for our globe-trotting selfie-magnet.

An invitation was received from the Indian PM on April Fool’s Day, and the possibilities are endless. Just picture our PM wrapped in a Mahatma Gandhi-style blanket to show off his boxer’s physique; naturally, it would either be a Bay blanket or even a Maple Leaf.

His travel wardrobe is likely to contain those embroidered Nehru jackets like the aforementioned Beatles wore when they visited Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram a half-century ago.

Peter Mansbridge will also broadcast from the Indian capital, regaled in an iridescent military-type uniform like those featured on the album cover of ‘Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band’. Strings of love beads and floral garlands will complete his sartorial splendour, and each newscast will have an accompanying topical Beatles soundtrack.

For starters would be ‘Magical Mystery Tour’, then ‘Money (That’s What I Want)’, ‘Taxman’, ‘We Can Work It Out’, ‘Should Have Known Better’ and ‘Help!’. I can hardly wait for the Canadian government jet to take off from Ottawa bound for New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


Bernie Smith



Cowichan Valley Citizen