Youth sports benefit community

Youth tournaments drawing seven outside teams can generate $7-10,000 outside dollars

Editor, The Times:

How can youth sport financially benefit the community?

Youth tournaments drawing seven outside teams can generate $7-10,000 outside dollars. They would generate additional business for restaurants, hotels, gas stations, and more. This would also give us a chance to show the town to outsiders and maybe gain some unexpected business for the future.

While some youth sport groups have an exceptional track record for creating financial benefit, others need to be reminded of their responsibilities. While fairness to all youth remains a goal, it is obvious that mathematically the more registered teams there are in an age, division or grouping the higher the likelihood of success.

It is through this pattern that a town starts to have success with its promotions, gains the respect of others, and its events become the ones that people choose to attend when faced with a choice. Remember that these businesses support us; therefore what is best for the town is what is best for you in the long term.

Brian Loucks

Clearwater, B.C.


Clearwater Times