100 Mile Bantam Wranglers shutout Thompson Cariboo Warriors

100 Mile Bantam Wranglers shutout Thompson Cariboo Warriors

Final score was 4-0

The 100 Mile Bantam Rec Wranglers (sponsored by Forest Grove Legion) hosted the Thompson Cariboo Warriors on Saturday, Nov. 3.

With their regular team goalie, Kyle Harding, out with a fractured arm, the team was scrambling to find a relief goalie for the game so they wouldn’t have to forfeit.

The team started out strong with the puck going back and forth until halfway through the first period, 100 Mile got the first goal scored by Mason Pincott with a nice pass from Martin Stillas. Keeping the puck in the visitor’s end, three minutes later Pincott scored again with assists from Mat Wilden and Stillas.

In the second period, Lucas Zucchelli scored on the Warriors with assists from Cameron Scott and Pincott.

“The team is really starting to work together well, getting to know each other and make that work to their advantage,” stated assistant coach, Mark Scott.

The last period of the game had the Wranglers securing their lead with yet another goal from Pincott off of Stillas, making it a hat-trick for him. The Warriors were unable to get any goals past relief goalie, Joey Isaac leaving the final score to be 4-0.


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