100 Mile Snowmobile Club has executive changes

Alan Reichardt stays on as president, looking forward to a good season

Alan Reichardt did not get his wish to pass the torch to a new president, so he will remain president of the 100 Mile Snowmobile Club for one more year.

However, Reichardt notes the club has some new faces on the executive and he thanks those individuals for volunteering to fill those positions.

The 2013/14 executive includes vice-president Dirk Dunkel, secretary Miles Holte, treasurer Laurie Lautrup, trails director Bruce Anderson, groomer director Gil Adolph, clubhouse director Rolf Bachmann, and directors Karen Vanshagen, Tamara Van Loon, Sue Meyers and Teresa Dunkel.

Club meetings are on the second Wednesday of month at the clubhouse at 7 p.m. sharp.

The upcoming rides include trips to Wells, Ten-ee-ah Lodge, and Gold Bridge. Memberships will be available to purchase as of Nov. 1 at all snowmobile dealers.

“If you have any comments or ideas for the upcoming season please do not hesitate to bring them forward at a monthly meeting or contact me by e-mail at alandona@telus.net.”



100 Mile House Free Press