108 Ladies Club championship was a hit withw 24 golfers

Scores were good for two-day tourney at 108 Golf Resort

Overall Low Net winner Pauline Weigelt, left, and Overall Low Gross winner Deb Case were the top players at the 2016 108 Women’s Club Championship. Case shot a 173 over the two days, while Weigelt had a 138 total.

Overall Low Net winner Pauline Weigelt, left, and Overall Low Gross winner Deb Case were the top players at the 2016 108 Women’s Club Championship. Case shot a 173 over the two days, while Weigelt had a 138 total.

Twenty-four 108 Ladies Golf Club members had decent weather for their championship at the 108 Golf Resort on Aug. 27-28.

The weather on Saturday turned out better than expected with the sunshine, club spokesperson Shannon Knapp says, adding they had a bit of morning drizzle on Sunday that ended with some clouds and a bit of sunshine in the afternoon.

“What a fun weekend the ladies had. Carol Lidstone, our captain, did a great job with decorating and prizes. Our social committee, Deb Garrow and

Lori Henderson, organized a wonderful lunch on Sunday along with some spectacular baskets with preserves, baking and fish for us to win.”

Two-day scores

First flight

Low gross: first, Annie McKave, 174; second,  Heather Matsuda, 185

Low net: first, Clara Koehn, 147; second, Maureen Pinkney, 150

Second flight

Low gross: first, Shannon Knapp, 204; second, Lorraine Scott, 211

Low net: first, Shirley Boyson, 150; second, Wendy foster, 154

Third flight

Low gross: first, Laverne Martin, 211; second, Sharon Thompson, 213

Low net: first, Debbi Garrow, 147; second, Kathy Reid, 151

Aug. 27

Closest to the pin

First flight, Judy Scarrow; second flight, none; third flight, Darlene DeAngelis

Long Drive

First flight, Debbie Case; second flight, Gloria Corno; third flight, Debbi Garrow


Heather Matsuda, Judy Scarrow, Corinne French and Deb Case

Aug. 28

Closest to the pin

First flight, Annie McKave; second flight, Shannon Knapp; third flight, Angela Batalha

Long drive

First flight, Debbie Case; second flight, Wendy Foster; third flight, Angela Batalha


Deb Case, Clara Koehn, Joanne Garrow, Lorraine Scott, Pauline Weigelt and Heather Matsuda






100 Mile House Free Press