108 Men’s Night off to great start

Good numbers for the 108 Men's Golf Club for Men's Night

By Spence Henderson

It was a great start for the “official” Men’s Night at the 108 Resort Golf Course on May 16.

Sixty-four golfers teed off and 45 stayed for dinner and awards. Seventy-seven men have joined the club and 55 have already paid their Royal Canadian Golf Association and men’s club fees.

Pro Andy Wahnschaff warned some of the greens are a bit rough, but the beefed up prizes and draws seemed to send most home happy.

Especially happy were the multiple winners Dean McNeil, Rob Douglas, Steve Randall and Dave Jollymour. There were 40 prizes in all, so there were other multiple winners, but space restricts naming them all. Jollymour and Douglas picked up the only birdies.

The sign up sheet for the Breakfast Open on May 27 was circulated and sent to the pro shop for other golfers.

Because of the high numbers, split nines finishing with the Men’s Night after 4:30 (so golfers can play 18 and make the awards) will be allowed when the times up to 4 p.m. are full.


First flight

Low gross went to Matt McNeil with 37; and Bill Graham’s 33 score was good for low net.


Second flight

Al Sidor shot a 39 for the low-gross, while Jamie Crellin’s 33 took low net.


Third flight

Low gross was captured by Steve Randall with a 43; Jollymour’s 31 score garnered the low-net bragging

100 Mile House Free Press