Gisela Neuber chips up the ball towards the flag during the Icebreaker tournament. Max Winkelman photo.

Gisela Neuber chips up the ball towards the flag during the Icebreaker tournament. Max Winkelman photo.

108 Mile Ladies Golf Club breaks the ice

'Our club is becoming stronger with more members'

  • May. 13, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The 108 Mile Ladies Golf Club shook off the ice during their annual Ice Breaker Tournament on May 6 in preparation for the 2018 golfing season.

“It was really fun, everybody had a good time,” said Annie McKave, the club’s captain.

The group of 26 ladies broke up into groups of three or four to play a game of 9-hole scramble golf with a shotgun start time at 10 a.m.

McKave said that the weather and the great shape of the course on Sunday made for ideal golfing conditions.

The tournament was pretty much the same as every other year except for the shotgun start this year, just to make things a little different.

Two new members joined the club during the tournament, with a third one joining earlier. The growth of the club is something McKave is excited about.

Roughly 51 women were enrolled at the club last year, with six of them joining at various points in time of the season.

“It means the club is growing,” said the captain. “Our club is becoming stronger with more members and the ladies are enjoying it more. We want our club to grow so we are delighted to have new members to come out and join us.”

The club is encouraging anyone interested in joining the club, whether it’s for the golf or social aspect, to give McKave a call at 250-395-6054.

Regular league golfing is on at the course every Tuesday with three tee times (10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.) and two future tournaments already planned.

During 1 p.m. tee time, names are drawn from a hat to determine when the golfer starts and the type of golf game they will be playing.

Set for July 14 and 15 is the Pud Griffin Memorial Tournament and the club championship will be on Aug. 18 and 19.

“We’re off to a good strong start and looking forward to a great season,” said McKave.

The winners of the tournament were McKave’s team made up of Stephanie Zimmerman, Laverne Martin, Pauline Weigelt.

100 Mile House Free Press