With some rough weather coming, how can you stay motivated during COVID-Christmas? How about taking part in the 12 Days of COVID-Christmas riding challenge? METRO Creative

12 Days of Covid-Christmas – a Cycling Challenge

Despite the doom and gloom, we made it to December!

Despite the doom and gloom, we made it to December!

A big congrats to everyone is in order – 2020 has been one heck of a ride but it hasn’t all been bad, right? This COVID-Christmas is going to be different, there is no doubt. Most of us will be spending it in our small bubbles, which means fewer parties, fewer friends and family, and I guess we’ll just have to see if that means more or less food and drink!

With fitness-focussed businesses closed or operating in a reduced capacity, and with some rough weather coming, how can you stay motivated during COVID-Christmas? How about taking part in the 12 Days of COVID-Christmas riding challenge?

Simply put, between Dec. 1 and Christmas Day, get out for 12 rides of any distance or length! It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that, but here are some ideas if you want to spice it up a bit.

On the 1st Day of COVID-Christmas: hit up Beaver Lodge!

2nd Day: Give cycle commuting a go! Throw on the rain gear, plan your route and ride to work.

3rd Day: Force someone in your bubble to ride with you, even if they’re not a regular cyclist.

4th Day: Snowden!

5th Day: Since Snowden probably roughed you up a bit, go for a relaxed and enjoyable ride along the Greenways Loop!

6TH Day: Café stop! Ride to any of our fine Café’s in Campbell River to support a local business

7th Day: Destination Day! Try out Cumberland.

8TH Day: Open up the Trailforks App and discover a brand new-to-you trail (I hear there’s a fresh new trail in Snowden!)

9th Day: Indoor ride! If you have an indoor trainer, give Zwift a go, or use Youtube to do a specific workout with some sweat-inducing intervals

10th Day: Night Ride! Charge up those lights and try a night ride (bring the friend from Day 3 for safety reasons).

11th Day: Lunch ride! Bring a packed lunch and enjoy it on the beach if it’s a nice day, or this could be another day to support a local restaurant.

And on the 12th Day of COVID-Christmas…Family Ride. Get your bubble bundled up, bribe your kids, do whatever it takes to get the whole family together for a ride together! Drink hot-chocolate after of course!

It’s a bit early, but a very merry COVID-Christmas to you all, and good luck with the challenge! Remember, it’s just 12 separate rides from Dec. 1 to Christmas Day. You can do it!

– provided by Pedal Your World

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