2012 Year in Review

Grey Cup tour stops in 100 Mile House with B.C. Lions players

Close to 500 people packed the Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School (PSO) gymnasium on Feb. 2 to get a glimpse of football’s Grey Cup, as it made a stop on its tour of the province.

The cup was won by the BC Lions in a 34-23 victory over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers on Nov. 27.

According to Lions centre Angus Reid, who along with slot back Geroy Simon and safety J.R. LaRose, accompanied the Cup on its tour, the reception in 100 Mile House was their biggest to date.

The PSO leadership class took on a large part of hosting the event, with energetic members dressed in wild orange costumes, cheering and pumping up the crowd.

Reid, Simon and LaRose shared a few inspiring stories with the audience before setting up with people around the Grey Cup for photos.

On its tour of the province, the Cup visited 20 communities and was present at 30 events, according to Surrey-White Rock MLA Gordon Hogg who played a large role in developing the event and seeing it through.

As people in 100 Mile eagerly awaited the Cup’s arrival, the majority were probably unaware that it almost didn’t make it.

According to Hogg, the Cup, packaged in a metal box, slid off the baggage conveyor in Vancouver as it was on its way to a connecting flight to Kelowna. It went unnoticed until Hogg encouraged an airport baggage handler, and personal friend, Ferg Hawke to go to the baggage area and take some photos with it. Hawke returned and announced it wasn’t there, but after a few frantic phone calls, he was able to track it down.

The Grey Cup was only in 100 Mile for one hour, but Hogg agreed that of all the schools they visited, the PSO crowd was the most enthusiastic and excited.

“The leadership class did a great job, with everyone dressed up, and it was just so neat how they did that. It was a wonderful event.”

It was also a day that school teacher assistant Linda Glover will never forget. On the entourage’s arrival, Hogg gave her the honour of carrying the cup from the car into the school.

“I didn’t believe I’d ever get close to it, let alone carry it. I was so excited, I was shaking,” said Glover.

Hogg gave Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett credit for making 100 Mile House and Williams Lake both stops on the tour.

“She was a pit bull in getting it to 100 Mile and Williams Lake. Her office in Victoria is across from mine and she said, ‘It’s coming, and that’s it’.”

Photos taken in 100 Mile House by the Grey Cup tour photographer could be seen and downloaded free of charge on the Internet at www.facebook.com/BCLiberalCaucus.

100 Mile House Free Press