Directors of the Mission 2014 BC Winter Games discuss strategies at a recent planning session at Heritage Park Secondary School.

Directors of the Mission 2014 BC Winter Games discuss strategies at a recent planning session at Heritage Park Secondary School.

2014 Winter Games: Planning sessions in full swing

Mission will be hosting the 2014 BC Winter Games. Directors and volunteers gear up for the 100 day countdown.

It’s hard to believe that the 100 day countdown to the 2014 B.C. Winter Games is just around the corner. The B.C. Games Society together with directors continue to ensure necessary planning is underway to meet the requirements of the 1,800 athletes competing  in the host community February 20th of next year. At the most recent planning session, Saturday November 2nd, directors presented their own goals and objectives for the Games.


The directors are extremely pleased that the volunteer numbers continue to rise with a current total close to 1,000. Many more volunteers across all sectors are still required. If you think you can help, please visit for more information.

Abbotsford News