teaser (Metro Creative)

teaser (Metro Creative)

38 ladies had plenty of room to social distance

A couple of years ago hubby and I purchased 600 (yes, 600) used paving bricks - the interlocking kind. Our plans were to make a nice walkway between our property and the Rudd property next door. Needless to say we procrastinated last year and the bricks remained stacked on our carport. In the meantime Bob had some issues with his knees and now the project was mine. What I thought would take me a week has expanded to taking over my life completely.

  • May. 21, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A couple of years ago hubby and I purchased 600 (yes, 600) used paving bricks – the interlocking kind. Our plans were to make a nice walkway between our property and the Rudd property next door. Needless to say we procrastinated last year and the bricks remained stacked on our carport. In the meantime Bob had some issues with his knees and now the project was mine. What I thought would take me a week has expanded to taking over my life completely.

On Tuesday, May 12, (Ladies’ Night) I chose to abandon the brick work for the day so that I might be fresh for my golf game. To make a long story even longer my game was the absolute pits and I may as well have exhausted myself with the bricks.

Although I did not have the pleasure of seeing all the ladies who golfed, we still had a fantastic turnout of 38 who took to the course in pairs and threesomes and foursomes – of course, all six feet apart. And many of those ladies won prizes from our fantastic sponsors. Usually the Ladies Night entry fees cover the prizes for low gross and low net. This week the folks that usually sponsor the KPs on Hole 6 covered those gross/net prizes because apparently none of our ladies were able to hit the green with their tee shot.

So thanks to Stamer Logging, the Smiths (Barb and Carman), the Carls (Brian and Brenda) and Campbell & Company here are those winners: Flight 1 low gross – Karen Peterson and low net – Marla Hajmerle; Flight 2 low gross – Trudy Forsythe and low net – Carol Willox; Flight 3 low gross – Anita Hill and low net – Marie Hakes; Flight 4 low gross – Cheryl Tenzer and second low gross – Melody Shepherd. Lois McInnis was the only one with a Chip In from off the green so she kept that pot all to herself. The Deuce and Birdie pots continue to grow. HUB International sponsored the putt prizes this week. The winner with least putts was Karen Peterson with only 14 and the winner with most putts was Doreen Landry with 24. I love giving Doreen a good teasing so am disappointed I wasn’t able to do so in person.

We hand out many pin placement prizes and here is who won what this week. Long drives (by themselves or in twos) went to Marie Hakes (Armour Mountain Office), Erin Duncan (Barriere Motor Inn), Susan Mitchell (Barriere Timber Mart), Cathy Theriault (Bear Lane Bistro), Marla Hajmerle (Munro’s Clothing), Marion Wallace (Rainer Custom Cutting), Jessica Thompson (Sam’s Pizza), Lois McInnis (Station House Restaurant), and Donna Salle (Quality Contractors). The Putt people were Anita Hill (Gift ‘n Gab), Audrey Rilcoe (Thompson Valley Awards) and Karen Peterson (AG Foods). KPs on Hole 4 were won by Karen Peterson (Westwin Realty), Marion Wallace (MJB Lawyers) and Doreen Landry (Salle Ranch).

A big thank you to our Hole 7 Rest in Peace sponsor, North Thompson Funeral Services. I went in the gully twice (I told you it was not a good game for me) and was joined there by Terry Blaeser, Darlene Nickull, Barb Smith, Marion Wallace and Lois McInnis.

Our hole-in-one sponsors, Barriere Auto Parts, Alpine Meadows Resort and Bob Stirling are back, waiting quietly in the wings for one of us ladies to step up to the tee and make the perfect shot. Maybe it will be me. There is always next week.

Hope springs eternal.

Barriere Star Journal