61 Revelstoke Nordic skiers take part in home Okanagan Cup race

252 racers and 62 volunteers came out to take part in the first Okanagan Cup Race at the Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club on Saturday, Jan. 2.

Revelstoke's Emily MacLeod accelerates to the finish line.

Revelstoke's Emily MacLeod accelerates to the finish line.

By Matt Smider, Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club

On Saturday, Jan. 2, the Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club played host to the 2016 Okanagan Cup #1 and the BC Winter Games (BCWG) Trials. 252 athletes participated in the event, representing six Okanagan-based clubs, plus the Valhalla Hills Nordic Ski Club, Canmore Nordic and two jet-setting skiers from New South Wales, Australia.

The competition was particularly important for Okanagan skiers born in 2001 and 2002, who were vying for spots to compete at the 2016 BC Winter Games in Penticton this February.

Revelstoke Nordic skiers Simon Blackie and Kolibri Drobish automatically qualified for the BCWG by placing top two in their respective categories. Erik Brosch, Rebecca Brosch and Miika Park all placed in the top five in their respective BCWG categories and will now wait to see how many wild card spots the Okanagan region will receive for Nordic athletes. Cross Country BC will officially announce the team selection next week.

Conditions were cooler than many visiting skiers expected, but all welcomed the easy waxing conditions and blue skies. The event was an interval start classic, with competitors 15 seconds apart and utilizing the diagonal-stride and double-pole techniques. A record 61 Revelstoke athletes took part in the event.

Full results are available online at zone4.ca, but here is a selection of top Revelstoke placings:

Atom Boys 1:

Irah Cameron-Harding – 2nd

Hamish Woodman – 3rd

Atom Boys 2:

Nicholas Gill – 3rd

Atom Boys 3:

Kiearn MacIntosh – 2nd

Atom Girls 1:

Megan Norrie – 1st

Micayla MacIntosh – 2nd

Sela McMechan – 3rd

Atom Girls 2:

Livia McMechan – 2nd

Atom Girls 3:

Fiona Woodman – 1st

Norah Painter – 2nd

Emilie Paquin – 3rd

Peewee Boys 1:

Cameron Norrie – 4th

Tobin Gill – 5th

Peewee Girls 1:

Natalie Morrone – 1st

Isobel Wilson – 4th

Peewee Girls 2:

Ruby Serrouya – 1st

Sophie van Oort – 5th

Bantam Boys 2:

Elliot Wilson – 2nd

Bantam Girls 1:

Maeve MacLeod – 3rd

Midget Girls 1:

Jaclyn Elliott – 3rd

Midget Girls 2: (BCWG trial)

Kolibri Drobish – 1st

Rebecca Brosch – 5th

Juvenile Boys 1: (BCWG trial)

Simon Blackie – 2nd

Erik Brosch – 3rd

Juvenile Girls 1: (BCWG trial)

Miika Park – 4th

Juvenile Girls 2:

Alana Brittin – 1st

Elizabeth Elliott – 2nd

Masters Women 40-49:

Nikki Norrie – 4th

Masters Women 30-39:

Marnie Graf – 2nd

Masters Men 30-39:

Patrick McMechan – 3rd

Masters Men 40-49:

Andrew Sheppard – 4th

Masters Men 60-69:

Norm Tennant – 1st

Congratulations to all competitors on their performances! A warm thank you is extended to the organizing committee and 62 volunteers for their tireless efforts at running a well-organized event, especially Verena von Bremen for announcing all day in the cold.

Thank you also to generous sponsors Skookum, Flowt, Begbie Brewery, Pharmasave, Revelstoke Rotary Club, The Modern Bakery and Outdoor Research for donating draw and award prizes.

Revelstoke Nordic skiers are now looking ahead to a busy race season, continuing with BC Cup #1 at Sovereign Lake Nordic Ski Club in Vernon next week.

Revelstoke Times Review