Tracks show the climbers’ route up the west ridge to the summit of Raft Peak.

Tracks show the climbers’ route up the west ridge to the summit of Raft Peak.

A Chance encounter on Raft Peak

Chance Breckenridge and JF Labranche climb Raft Peak in winter

By K.A.Pendergast

The Times

On Monday, Feb. 19, there was another Chance encounter. Of course, that means Chance Breckenridge, one of our very own local adventurers.

He and a friend JF Labranche decided to head up to the summit of Raft Peak. Most of us just enjoy the view of it from town, ha ha.

So, with a spectacularly beautiful but chilly day to enhance their journey they set off. They snowmobiled up to West Raft cabin and then skied up to the col (low point of the ridge).

Then JF continued, on skiis while Chance switched to his trusty crampons (spikes for climbing).

A while later they reached the top for a snack and some stunning photos! Chance says that the only other extreme gear needed was some drive, heh heh!

He does not recommend this trip for the inexperienced. The top was windy and extra chilly but the sunshine helped make it bearable. A great workout for the both of them, with a one-way time for approximately three and a half hours.

Let’s hope Chance heads out soon for another journey to share with us.

Barriere Star Journal