The Smithers Secondary girls soccer squad cooling down during a good trip to warm Prince Rupert Saturday. Contributed photo

The Smithers Secondary girls soccer squad cooling down during a good trip to warm Prince Rupert Saturday. Contributed photo

A handful of good things in sunny Prince Rupert for Smithers soccer

Smithers Secondary senior girls soccer team started their season in Prince Rupert last Saturday.

  • Apr. 14, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A handful of good things happened to the Smithers Secondary senior girls soccer team, who started their soccer season in Prince Rupert Saturday.

The first good thing was that the sun shone and it was warm.

The second was that the five new players — Adriana Scott, Kaleigh Ness, Shay Toner, Paige Blackburn and Melisa Alvarada-Smith — had fun and were strong additions. Shay scored assisted by Melissa against Terrace.

Third, in the absence of a regular goalkeeper, Haley Hanchard, Chantal Gammie, Kendal Zemenchick, Tamiya Ness, Cara Bawdy and Kaleigh Ness volunteered to share the load and all did better than they expected. Kendall had the most to do, playing when the team tired in the second half against Terrace and she made a number of good saves.

Lastly, although there was the expected confusion at times and everyone was exhausted and sore by the end, we had some success, winning 5-0 versus Kitimat and 4-1 versus Terrace.

–Submitted article.

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