Aaaand…..”its all about me time” IS DONE!!!

Well, the race is over, it was fun, I had a great week with my buddies Jeremy and Al, and we all walked away with the coveted belt buckles

I signed up for the BC BIke Race in July 2015. I trained for a year and this encompassed almost every weekend, group rides two nights a week and leaving early for work three mornings a week to squeeze in more miles. Our winter vacation became a training trip to a good riding location with lots of climbing. Every time Chenoa asked where we should go on a long weekend the standard answer was “anywhere with good riding.” When we did family rides I would be stoked because towing the kids up a hill was a great workout.

Well, the race is over, it was fun, I had a great week with my buddies Jeremy and Al, and we all walked away with the coveted belt buckles only given to those who earned them by finishing the seven days of racing. Mission accomplished…but what now?

In my head I am planning big adventures that take advantage of the fitness I achieved. Group rides to new locations I’ve always dreamed of and maybe one more race before the year is out…..Then I hear that loud record scratching noise that reality often throws in your face, and I stop in my tracks.

After a year of selfishness it might be time to focus on those who sacrificed so much so I could race this summer. My kids, the staff at Swicked and mostly my wife. She has a road race planned in a couple of months and as much as I want to ride a ton right now, I am actually more excited about supporting her training, helping her find more free time and somehow making it all work so she can enjoy it without stress.

For the next few months its all about Chenoa’s riding. So if you see her out and about and wonder, hmm, why doesn’t James ride anymore? Now you know, I had my turn and milked it for all it was worth and now it’s my time to sit on the side lines…or maybe I’ll get a baby sitter and ride WITH Chenoa? Yeah, that sounds pretty supportive too.

I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’

Campbell River Mirror