Aces for Van Lent at Alberni GC

Claudia Romaniuk and Marta Williamson shared low gross honours in the Alberni Golf Club ladies’ nine-hole division, low handicap group

Lee Anne Van Lent had a hole in one on No. 17 last Tuesday night at Business Ladies golf.

Claudia Romaniuk and Marta Williamson shared low gross honours in the Alberni Golf Club ladies’ nine-hole division, low handicap group this week.

Doreen Grant won the low net. Grant and Pennie Churchill tied with the low putts.

In the high handicap division Lee Anne Van Lent took the low gross, Louise Berlinski won low net and Pat Dahlquist had the lowest putts.

Pars were had by Marta Williamson on Nos. 13 and 18,  Claudia Romaniuk on 13, 16, and 17,  Kathy Toms on 17, Doreen Grant on 17, Lois Robinson on No. 8, La Donna Knutson on 17, Betty Adiar on 13, Marie Swain on 14 and Julie Swaney on number 17.

Lorraine Wilson had a chip-in on No. 14.

In the 18-hole division of ladies golf,  Carol Bouchard won low gross with an 88,  Gayle Rhodes won the low net with 68.

For the KP challenge Leona Fowler won on No. 4 and Carol Bouchard won on No. 17.

Janice Cross won the special prize.

The April to June  Ringer Board winners were Leona Fowler for low gross and Marilyn McPherson for the low net. There is a new ringer board up for July to September.

Kathy White held the Challenge Pin, Barb Sheare challenged her, and White still holds the pin. Carol Bouchard will challenge White next week.

Next week is the qualifier for the Zone 6 Four Ball tournament that will be held at Eaglecrest on Monday, Aug. 11.

Find yourself a partner and let either Patsy or Gayle know so you can be put together on Tuesday.

Alberni Valley News