Activities picking up at Larch Hills

Registration for the Larch Hills Nordics Jack Rabbits program continues until Saturday, Nov. 30.

Registration for the Larch Hills Nordics Jack Rabbits program continues until Saturday, Nov. 30, providing space is available. All skiers ages four to 12 can participate. Lessons are on Saturdays, beginning Dec. 7, and run from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. for the younger kids and 10:30 to noon for the older ones.

Parents are expected to volunteer at least once over the eight lessons.

For more information, visit, or contact Megan Brooke at, or Carmen Fennell at

Coming up at the Larch Hills cross-country ski area on Sunday, Dec. 15 is the 18th Annual Santa Cruise, a fun event with free technique – either skate or classic. There’s a route of approximately 10-kilometres for people 18 and over, 5-km for ages 14 to 17, 3-km for 10 to 13, 2-km for seven to nine, and a 1-km route for six and under. Parents are asked to ski with younger children.

Registration is from 10 to 10:55, with an 11 a.m. start. Entry fee is a cash or cheque donation to the food banks, or contribute an item for the Nordics’ popular Christmas shopping auction and/or bring food to share for lunch.

If you pay by cheque to Salvation Army Food Bank, Second Harvest Food Bank or Armstrong Food Bank, you will receive an income tax receipt.

For information or to volunteer, call Blaine at 250-833-4008.


Eagle Valley News