Acwsalcta kids love Terry Fox!

Acwsalcta kids love Terry Fox!

Acwsalcta Celebrates Terry Fox

Acwsalcta school held its fifth annual Terry Fox run on October 9th

Acwsalcta school held its fifth annual Terry Fox run on October 9th . The run has been happening in schools and communities across Canada for the last 35 years. The point of the run is to celebrate the life and achievements of Canadian hero Terry Fox and to remember family and friends who we have lost to cancer.

The students raised $1367 for the Terry Fox Foundation which supports cancer research and those living with cancer. Grade 5 student Chloe George Evans raised over $200 by herself. The schools route was 2km around Four Mile. In total, the school ran 458km.

Acwsalcta also had some fun activities as well including pies in faces and head shaving! Math teacher Laura Nudge shaved half of her head and grade 10 student Carlos Edgar shaved his whole head. “I felt cold without my hair,” said Edgar. The school would like to thank the RCMP for helping out with traffic control and encouraging students. The students of Acwsalcta look forward to doing it again next year.

Coast Mountain News