From left to right: 2021 Men’s Club Champion Vito Caldarulo, Men’s Club Captain Gerry Fagan, and runner-up Mike Buffie. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

ALBERNI GOLF: Caldarulo wins Championship in sudden death playoff

Mixed couples tournament to take place Aug. 7–8



The Alberni Golf Club’s Men’s Club championship was held on Sunday, July 25 at the Alberni Golf Course, with 45 men competing for the honour. Many Thanks to Port Boat House and the Alberni Golf Club for their generous contribution to the championship.

The field was split into three flights: the championship flight and the handicap flights A and B.

There was a sudden death playoff, which took five holes for Vito Caldarulo to defeat Mike Buffie and become the 2021 Men’s Club Champion. Congratulations Vito!

The results of the championship flight are as follows: Vito Caldarulo (75), Mike Buffie (75), Mike Savard (76), Josh Harvey (78), Scott Staley (78), Colton Buffie (79), Brett Parhar (80) and Jacques Giovetti (81).

In handicap flight A was Sam Parhar (66), Terry Argotow (68), Ron Clark (73), Craig Acland (73), Steve Acland (73), Wayne Johnstone (73), Reece Bowne (74) and Fred Fredrickson (76).

In handicap flight B was Tylo Smith (69), Darren VanDyk (72), Ron Scholte (72), Mike Doucette (73), Paul Saulnier (74), Jim Rhodes (75), Bob Matlock (77) and Dalton Moore (77).

All ties were settled by retrogression.

There were two closest to the pin markers on all four par 3s: one for the championship and one for the handicap flight.

On No. 2 was Josh Harvey and Jim Rhodes. No. 4 was Josh Harvey and Bob Matlock, No. 13 was Brett Parhar and Darren VanDyk and No. 17 was Vito Caldarulo and Steve Acland. The charity closest to the pin on No. 7 was Craig Acland, who collects $45. All prizes may be picked up from the Pro Shop.

UPCOMING…The Aberni Golf Club Championship has been postponed until a later date to be announced. The mixed couples tournament Aug. 7–8 is still on schedule.

Alberni Valley News