Alberni Golf: Charity event a classic

A veritable who's who showed up to participate and have fun in the Charity Golf Classic.

One more successful Charity Golf Classic in the books.

Last Friday and Saturday saw 110 golfers tee up at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday on a really warm day proving that summer may be here at last.

Special guests, acting as goodwill ambassadors included Mira Laurence, CTV Victoria, Jason Pires, CTV Vancouver, Joey Kenward of the Vancouver Canucks and own former NHL referee Rob Shick.

Thanks also go to the tournament committee who worked so hard to put all this together, co-chairs Joan Hall and Bruce MacDonald along with Tim Murphy, Ron Frolic, Bev Frolic, Kathy Toms, Diane Redlin, Wilma Walker, Clare Cauduro, Maggie Marshall, Sharien Williams, and Cheryl Deaton.  Thanks gang for a job well done.

The proceeds will go to four different charities: Children’s Hospital, Vancouver,  and locally AV Search and Rescue, Wholesome Meals on Wheels, AV Child Care and Kidsport.

It will be a couple of months before the final figure is available.

Sunday, the Club Championship qualifying round got underway followed by the second day of qualifying on Monday.  As soon as the club captain has the first round matches set they will be posted in the clubhouse.

Closest to the pins on Sunday were Ken Fong, No. 2, Livio Tedesco collected $18 for the charity closest to the pin on No. 4, Don McGowan on No. 13, Fred Fredrickson on No. 17.  Winner for closest to the pin for his second shot on No. 11 was Jules Gaudreault.

The hidden hole went unclaimed.

Alberni Valley News