Alberni Golf: men have stake

Men had a juicy stake in the men’s club Toomstone event held at Alberni Golf Club last weekend.

Sunday the men’s club Toomstone event was held at Alberni Golf Club. What is a toomstone event, you may well ask?

Each player is given a stake with their name on it. Each player is  allowed 75 per cent of his handicap. Say for example your handicap is 20, then your allowance for toomstone would be 15.

When the total for your round reaches 85, you plant the stake at wherever your 85th shot lies. The player reaching the furthest wins.

On Sunday, Jacques Giovetti led the way.  Mike Pechor, Paul Saulnier, Cal Davies and Jack Sparks followed in that order.

Closest to the pin was Colin Hamilton on No. 2. Glen Trask pocketed $28 for the charity closest to the pin on No. 4.

Mickey Keeley was closest to the pin on No. 13 and Jerry White on No. 17.  Colin Hamilton was closest to the pin with his second shot on No. 6. No one birdied the hidden hole, which was No. 5, so next week the carry-over will be $52.

This Sunday is the red, white and blue competition, sponsored by Port Boat House. In this event you hit each tee shot from a different tee marker. Each score card will be marked so there won’t be any confusion.

This event is every man for himself.  Make up your own foursomes and register at the pro shop.

Alberni Valley News