Alberni men’s golf action

Another overcast day saw 41 golfers take part in the open day on Sunday at Alberni Golf Course.

Another overcast day saw 41 golfers take part in the open day on Sunday at Alberni Golf Course. I imagine the poor turnout was because of the long weekend.

In men’s Club action, Russ Israelson had the game of the day shooting 72, great game Russ, followed by Colin Hamilton with a gross 75.

On the net side it was Gerry White carding an impressive 63, way to go Gerry. Next, shooting 64 was Cal Davies, then it was Darrell Van Os coming in with 66, followed by Steve White and Glen Trask both shooting 68.

Closest to the pins were recorded by Lloyd Fairley on No. 2, Bob Matlock on No. 4, Fred Fredrickson on No. 13, and Tylo Smith on No. 17.

This Sunday, May 29 is the alternate shot event, ( Chapman format ) sponsored by Haggard Trucking.

This event consist of two man teams, pick your own partner. Both players tee off on all holes, for your second shot you hit each other’s ball, and alternate until you hole out.

On all par 3’s choose the best ball after your tee shot and alternate until you hole out. You must putt out.

The entry fee is $15, please register no later than 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 28th.


Alberni Valley News