Alberni men’s golf begins Sunday

The opening day event, sponsored by G.D. Auto, starts off with a computer picked scramble.

The Alberni Golf Club Men’s Club officially gets under way this Sunday, March 26 with a shotgun start at 9 a.m.

The opening day event, sponsored by G.D. Auto, starts off with a computer picked scramble. The cost for this even is $15 per player. Please register in the pro shop with your handicap no later than 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 25. You can also phone the clubhouse at 250-723-5422.

Try to be there by 8:30 a.m., as there will be a short meeting before golf. Don’t forget the dues of $20 are payable in the pro shop anytime.

The men’s club would like to thank our community sponsors, because without their support the club wouldn’t be the success it is. We have 12 sponsors for 2017; they take turns representing individual events, and do so much more for our club throughout the year.


Alberni Valley News