Aldergrove Fair Days director wins 2014 top buckle

Aldergrove Fair Days director wins 2014 top buckle

One of Aldergrove Fair Days’ directors was right on target on the World Fast Draw Association (WFDA) circuit this past year.

Last month, Karen Robinson received the all-around top gun of 2014 Buckle Award for her fast gun handling and did so at 69 years of age.

Robinson joined the WFDA chairman Dan Qualls, who accomplished this same feat in the men’s division.

The 2015 WFDA banquet coincided with the World Traditional Index contest in Mountain View, Arkansas, where the top 15 men’s buckles and top seven women’s buckles (and shooter’s ratings for 2015) were announced.

Aldergrove’s Nicole Franks, who won the Fair Days contest last year, finished sixth in the all-around top women’s category, while some of the Thunderbird Fast Draw Club’s men managed to finish high on the board, as well, as Langley’s Shawn Murphy won fourth all-around top gun and Den Robinson placed eighth.

There are three more WFDA-sanctioned events on the fast draw circuit, with the very next one being held at Aldergrove Athletic Park July 18 and 19.

The World Open Index Championships is faster than traditional, allowing for faster holsters and draw styles, but the onus on hits is the same for both styles of shooting. The penalty for a missed target on both events is one second, which is clocked by modern electronics devices calibrated to one-thousandths of a second.

Shooters wear western attire, and come from all over the continent.

There is a celebrity shootout challenge at high noon on Saturday.

Langley Advance