Am I really a ‘technotard’?

A couple of years ago I was called a “technotard” because I didn’t know about some great app that was going to change the world

A couple of years ago I was called a “technotard” because I didn’t know about some great app that was going to change the world.

Now to be fair, I don’t do exceptionally well with computers and I barely know how to work my iphone on a good day. Ask me how to set the clock on my microwave and I might breakdown in tears. BUT, when it comes to technology with bikes, I understand it very well and I’m a true believer. The advantages you can gain as a rider are substantial and should not be overlooked if you want to maximize your fun factor.

I have benefited hugely over the years from better suspension, wider bars, improved grips, saddles and pedals, dropper seat posts and one of the most important advances, improved tire technology. Having a solid connection with the ground can really make the difference for a rider’s confidence, and the more confidence you ride with, the better you ride…in any conditions.

If you read my recent blurb, you know I was complaining about the nasty winter conditions and how they can cause havoc in the trails. Well, since then I tore my regular bike down for a big rebuild and haven’t found the time to put it back together yet, but since I own a bike shop I just took another bike to ride. It was one of the recent “Plus Bikes” we brought in.

If you’re not familiar with these bikes, then here is the quick and dirty. They are almost identical to your normal mountain bike, but with a few minor design changes. They allow the use of three-inch-wide tires that can be run at really low pressures. So rather than bounce and slide around the wet and mucky trails, I just ride a different bike and handle the roots and rocks with ease. I don’t even have to think about it, because the big soft tires do most of the work.

I have had a few super fun rides despite all the rain and mud.

The roots and rocks are no competition for these Plus tires, but you still feel like you’re riding a normal mountain bike.

It’s like I turned winter into spring and somehow replaced frustration with big smiles again. Isn’t technology great?

Now if we can invent something that turns water into sunshine…


I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’

Campbell River Mirror