Anderson wins sixth title

Diane Anderson captured her sixth Penticton Golf and Country Club women's championship

PENTICTON GOLF AND COUNTRY Club men’s and women’s champs, Brooks Lancaster, left, and Diane Anderson.

PENTICTON GOLF AND COUNTRY Club men’s and women’s champs, Brooks Lancaster, left, and Diane Anderson.

One month after getting back on the golf course, Diane Anderson captured the Penticton Golf and Country Club women’s championship on Sept.12-13.

It was her sixth victory in 10 years.

“For me this year it was a lot of fun,” said Anderson.

Anderson returned to action after being unable to play for 11 weeks when she learned she was a match to donate a kidney to her husband Doug, who was ill the past year and on dialysis. She had surgery on May 6. Once she was able to start swinging her clubs again, Anderson set her sights on winning the championship.

“It’s kind of a cool thing,” she said.

Anderson also pulled off the feat with a target on her back. Some of the ladies in the club told Anderson that first-year member Donna LaLonde was going after her for the championship and Anderson welcomed the challenge.

“I always like to have competition. It was just a lot of fun,” said Anderson. “We were just one stroke apart after the first day. Everybody had a really tough day the first day. The greens were really fast and the girls aren’t used to that. I thought after the first day I was going to be done because I shot 87, which is not great.”

LaLonde shot 88.

On the second day, Anderson had a strong start on the opening seven holes, which led to a turning point on hole 12. Lalonde put one of her shots in the water and Anderson doubled it to eventually win by nine shots. Annette Wood won the overall low net and LaLonde was first for flight one low gross.

Among the prizes Anderson received was money to spend in the pro shop, a bottle of champagne and a dozen pink roses.

On the men’s side, Brooks Lancaster held off Dean Bates and Kim Dixon for his second championship. Lancaster, who won the men’s open championship this summer, entered the final day with a five shot lead over Dixon after carding a 65. The club had 95 members play in the two-day championship.

Full list of results below:


Club Champion Diane Anderson

Overall Low Net Annette Wood

Flight 1

Low Gross Donna LaLonde

2nd Low Gross Viv Mohoruk

Low Net Elsy Mackie

2nd Low Net Hee Won Park

Flight 2

Low Gross Janice Clary

2nd Low Gross Elaine Vonck

Low Net Noeline McWilliams

2nd Low Net Ann Peach

Flight 3

Low Gross Maureen Bildfell

2nd Low Gross Heather Hutchinson

Low Net Babs Gladish

2nd Low Net Deb Blakeney



Club Champion Brooks Lancaster


Flight 1

1st Low Gross Dean Bates

2nd Low Gross Kim Dixon

3rd Low Gross Campbell Watt

1st Low Net Dean Gatenby

2nd Low Net Ken Anderson

3rd Low Net Steve Raptis


Flight 2

1st Low Gross Ken Nickel

2nd Low Gross Steve Thompson

3rd Low Gross Dave Greene

1st Low Net Bud Kadin

2nd Low Net Wendall Clark

3rd Low Net Gary Gibbons


Flight 3

1st Low Gross Kaylin Hickey

2nd Low Gross Myong Park

3rd Low Gross Keith McIver

1st Low Net Marty Smith

2nd Low Net Ron Hosner

3rd Low Net Jim Garner


Flight 4

1st Low Net Bill McDowall

2nd Low Net Alvin LaLonde

3rd Low Net Sid Flebbe

4th Low Net Gary Coy

5th Low Net Ken MacDermott

6th Low Net Bill Oliver



Penticton Western News