Apex ski coach proud of results

Results were so positive for the Apex Ski Club at Sun Peaks, it prompted coach Jorgen Anderson to send emails to his skiers.

Results were so positive for the Apex Ski Club at Sun Peaks, it prompted coach Jorgen Anderson to send emails to his skiers.

“They did exceptionally well,” said Anderson, who wanted them to know that with added encouragement.

A highlight for the team was K2 racer Meg Cumming, who won all three of her races and has won all five this season.

“Meg was the toast of the race, even beat some boys,” said Anderson. “She skied the lights out, untouchable.”

In the K1 category, Mini Gentes finished 18th and 19th, followed by Molly Wells in 20th and 21st position, and Hillary Davies coming in 22nd and 27th. Grace Grant was in 24th on race two. For the K1 boys, Jesse Howden placed fourth and seventh, while Aaron Leaman was 23rd and 24th. In K2, Elsa Knutson, finished sixth and 11th, followed by Belle Grant in 13th and 12th. Ella Pasin placed 16th and 14th.

For K1 boys, Jesse Howden finished fourth and seventh, while Aaron Leaman was 23rd and 24th. In the K2 category, Reece Howden finished sixth in each of his races, while Keefer Wells was eighth and ninth.  John Samuel DeLaMothe came in at 19th and 22nd.

Other skiers also earning podium finishes were under-16 skiers Caroline Rahkola finishing third in her races, and Bryce Byrnes winning both of his on Saturday.

On Sunday, in freezing cold temperatures, K1girls Gentes finished 14th followed by Wells in 17th, Grant 21st and Davies 24th. K2 girls results with Cumming placing first, Grant seventh, Knutson eighth and Pasin 10th. Howden and Leaman in K1 boys placed fourth and 30th, respectively. In K2 boys, Reece Howden was fourth, Wells fifth and DeLaMothe was 13th.

Anderson was pleased that two of his K2 girls placed in the top 10. Three of the girls in that category are in their first year. On the boys side, Anderson said that Reece Howden was “awesome” as the 13-year-old competed against boys up to two years his senior.

ASC members now understand what grand slaloms are like getting their first competitions under their belt. While the event was used for seeding for K2 provincials, which Apex Mountain is hosting for under-16 skiers from Feb. 9 to 12, it was also a qualifier for the B.C. Winter Games. Jesse Howden is the lone Apex member competing.



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