Armada girls defense sings but defense hums

The Alberni Armada senior girls are winning but their defense needs to tighten up , their coach says.

Alberni District Secondary School Armada senior girls guard Kim Mann, right, keeps a GP Vanier Towhee player at bay in a league game on Tuesday night. The Armada have an exam break next week so no games are scheduled.

Alberni District Secondary School Armada senior girls guard Kim Mann, right, keeps a GP Vanier Towhee player at bay in a league game on Tuesday night. The Armada have an exam break next week so no games are scheduled.

It’s exam next week and the Alberni District Secondary School Armada senior girls basketball team are hitting the books and resting their bones, head coach Greg Freethy said.

The senior girls are coming off of a 73-48 win over the GP Vanier Towhees in a league game on Tuesday night.

The win gives them a 2-1 record in league play.

Armada forward Jami Oliver scored 25 points while her teammate Leah Hudson scored 22 points. Kendra Lee poured in 21 points for the Towhees.

Freethy also acknowledged the defensive efforts of Kim Mann and Janine Thompson as being keys to the win.

“Kim is in your face and will make you work for every point,” Freethy said.

“And Janine is quick moves well for someone who is so tall.”

The Armada opened up an 18-9 lead in the first quarter and were up 37-24 at the half.

ADSS lead 56 to 36 in the third before closing out the game 73-48.

The Armada need to tweak their barometer, head coach Greg Freethy said.

“I think sometimes we play to the level of our competition,” he said.

“We crank it up a notch for highly competitive teams but we gear it down for others.”

On the plus side, the offensive engine is running on all cylinders. “We moved the ball well, we were patient and got good shots,” Freethy said.

On the debit side of the ledger, the defense needs a tune-up.

“We gave up 75 points a game over five games and that can’t happen,” Freethy said. “Defense is a must and we have to toughen up a bit.”

Rebounding on both ends of the floor is another area Freethy wants to see improvement in. “On offense, second chance shots can mean the difference in a game.”

The Armada went 2-1 at Brittania tournament in Vancouver last weekend.

And they lost a close one to Dover Bay in league play 73-70.

In Vancouver, the Armada beat Fleetwood from Surrey and the Brittania B team, but they lost to the Brittania A team.

The team has no games scheduled for next week because of exams but will be practising with an emphasis on defense.

The team is playing in a tournament at Dover Bay  starting Jan. 27

Alberni Valley News