Jack Forsyth

Jack Forsyth

Athlete profile: Alpine skiing: Jack Forsyth

Forsyth is a multi-sport athlete who continues to work at improving

Name: Jack Forsyth

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Sport: Skiing – Alpine

Hometown: Whistler


Zone Name: Vancouver-Squamish (Zone 5)



  1. Why are you committed to your sport?


    Because its a sport I love and it brings me joy and I like the work that goes into it on a daily basis.


  3. What are your goals for these Games and in sport?


    For these games my goal is to ski well and get some podium finishes. In sport the biggest goal is of coarse enjoying it and having fun but its no fun if you aren’t winning so success is a big component.

3. How did you train and prepare for the BC Winter Games?

The same way I would prepare for any other race series, I have put a lot of gym time in over the past year and have been working hard on snow as well to accomplish some of my podium finishes.

4. What are your other activities are you involved in (other sports, arts, volunteering)?

I mountain bike and will start racing this coming spring and summer, cross country and downhill. Also biking and soccer.


  1. Do you have any family members participating in these Games or who have participated in past BC Games or at national/international events? If yes, please provide details.


    I have no other family members participating in these winter games or in past ones but my little brother hopes to ski race and compete at a future BC winter games.


  3. Please share any other interesting stories about you and your involvement in sport.


    I have suffered many injuries to my knee and shoulder and most recently I tore my ACL and MCL playing football and these injuries have helped me develop as an athlete and drive me to work hard to stay healthy.


  5. Why did you want to try out and qualify for the 2014 BC Winter Games?


    Because it is a cool event and it is part of becoming a better athlete and its part of ski racing in BC


  7. Who is your coach and what is the most important thing she/he has taught you?


    My coach is Jordan Williams, he has taught me a lot about what it means to be a ski racer and an athlete and the work and dedication that goes along with it.


  9. Do you have a role model who has made an impact on your life (coach, teacher, family member, etc.)? If so, describe how they have impacted you.


    My coach Jordan Williams has been a great role model since I’ve started ski racing but I have always looked up the Janyks, coming from Whistler I always enjoyed watching them ski and talking to them. Of coarse my parents as well, getting me into skiing at a very young age.

  10. 10. What do you consider to be your highest achievement (athletic, academic, or other)?


My second place finish at last months Teck zone race was a big highlight. But I think the fact that I enjoy the gym work that goes into ski racing, if I can have a good work ethic at a young age it will help me as I progress in my skiing career.



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