Athletic Association presents scholarships

Scholarships and bursaries worth $1,500 each

Five student/athletes have received awards from the Surrey Secondary Schools Athletic Association.

Kyle McComb of Fraser Heights Secondary received the Norman O. Barton Memorial Scholarship for athletes demonstrating the all round qualities exemplified by the Surrey District’s first Supervisor of Physical Education.

The Glenn Young Scholarship, for successfully combining academics, leadership and athletics in their school, was awarded to Keesha Khehra of North Surrey Secondary.

Austin Thornton of Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary earned the Big Kahuna Athletic Leadership Scholarship demonstrating leadership and service to athletics.

Two Surrey 2012 BC Summer Games Bursaries were presented to athletes who participated in the BC Summer Games and is currently training and/or competing in a summer games sport. Recipients were rugby player Byron Keturakis of Earl Marriott Secondary and dressage rider Lindsay Stuart of Elgin Park Secondary.

The scholarships and bursaries are valued at $1500 each.

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