Close to 200 people attended the fourth annual ATV Poker Run in Horsefly on July 23. Here, riders enter the Eureka Bowl as part of the 90-kilometre trek.

Close to 200 people attended the fourth annual ATV Poker Run in Horsefly on July 23. Here, riders enter the Eureka Bowl as part of the 90-kilometre trek.

ATV ride a scenic journey

One-hundred-sixty-five riders attended the 90-kilometre fourth annual ATV Poker Run in Horsefly.

One-hundred-sixty-five riders attended the 90-kilometre fourth annual ATV Poker Run in Horsefly presenting scenic views in the east Cariboo Mountains.

Riders ranged in age from one to 80 and came from far and wide to attend the event.

An impressive lineup of machines and riders took to the trails, driving respectfully in a pristine wilderness setting.

Winners with the best poker hands were Bob McCormack in first, Adrian Links in second, Louis and Cooper Seelhof in third and Emma Trudel in fourth.

Prizes were donated by Spectra Power Sports, Crooked Lake Resort, Williams Lake Honda, NTD Tire Distributors, Horsefly Service, Croft’s Brewing and Wine off the Vine, Cariboo Auto and Spring, Race Trac Gas, Chuck’s Auto, Napa WL Forestry, Woodland Tinnitus and Hearing Clinic and Wholesale Store.

Thank you to these generous businesses that make the event possible.

Funds from registrations and donations make up a good portion of the budget for the Horsefly Volunteer Fire Department (HVFD).

HVFD also appreciates the efforts of Ross Williams, Joe and Ben Morhart for trail clearing, Mike and Terry McLennan and Ron and Eleanor Godlonton for helping out at base camp, Lee Walters for supplying ribbon and paint for trail marking, Leading Edge Wood Products for signage material, Caribou Interior Crane Services for the door prizes and Spectra Power Sports for the use of, and the delivery of, the side by side ridden by trail boss Wayne Johnson.

Also, a big thank you to all the volunteers of HVFD, who worked very hard to host the event.

Plans are already being made for the fifth annual event to be held in July of 2017.

Williams Lake Tribune