Avalanche City skates to heavenly win

The Avalanche City Roller Girls skated circles around the St. Albert Heavenly Roller Derby League in a home game match on Saturday, July 4.

The Avalanche City Roller Girls (ACRG) skated circles around the St. Albert Heavenly Roller Derby League in a home game match on Saturday, July 4.

The home team had several jamming plays and led St. Albert the entirety of the game, culminating in a 338-72 win.

By the second half buzzer, ACRG had hit the triple digits with no intent of stopping.

Tripling their score by the end of the night, ACRG co-captain Jessica DeGroot said, “Our strategy for the game was to go hard and get ahead as much as possible, really widen our lead and keep going from there.”

Points were split fairly evenly between lead jammers Andrea ‘Jenna Jammerson’ Gignac and Rita ‘Meter Maid’ Jackson.

“Our jammers have really excellent endurance and were out there scoring points for us so consistently and well, it was a really great game for us,” noted DeGroot.

DeGroot also credited keeping their opponents’ scores down with their diamond defense strategy.

“It’s something we’ve been practicing really hard for awhile and we’ve been working hard to truly perfect this move and I think we pulled it off well,” she said.

Along with their abundant point scoring, the ACRG were also subject to numerous penalties.

During the game’s second half, two ACRG skaters Melissa ‘Faye Tality’ Masin-Robinson and Crystal ‘Jetta’ Hudson were pulled from the track for going over the seven-penalty limit.

“We don’t normally see that many penalties in a game against us. Referees can come from all over and sometimes you know them and sometimes you don’t. We agreed with some, but we definitely don’t normally see that high of a penalty count in a game,” said DeGroot.

The ACRG will play a final home game against the Dam City Rollers from Castlegar on Saturday, July 11 at the Fernie Memorial Arena. The girls get rolling at 7 p.m. and doors open at 6:30 p.m.



The Free Press