Axe Comox Valley growing steadily

Capoeira acts as universal language and broadens students' perspective

LOCAL CAPOEIRA STUDENTS took part in a variety of events recently.

LOCAL CAPOEIRA STUDENTS took part in a variety of events recently.




Axé Comox Valley has been growing and will be in its fourth year of operation this fall. The group recently brought Contra-Mestre Coruja to give workshops in Capoeira.

Over 30 local students, two Mexican students and instructor Barril from Poland all participated. “One of the most exciting things about Capoeira is the fact that it acts as a universal language and exposes students to different cultures, different language, music and history,” a spokesperson said.

The Axé Capoeira Comox Valley Martial Arts team recently participated in a first-class international Capoeira event and 30-year anniversary of the Group Axé Capoeira in Vancouver.  The event consisted of a week of workshops, rodas (sparring), an open press conference with masters and professors from around the world, demonstrations, an international Capoeira competition and a block party showcasing the music and dance from the Brazilian culture.

Students Jonathan Blancas, Amelia Wojtalik, Nula Power, Birgit Power, Knute Hardin, Erika Hardin, Erik Hardin, Wren Wilson, Eloy Diaz Fennell, Jacqueline Blancas, Jonathan Schut, Angela Race, Kalyssa Heinrich, Kelsey Keeping, Megan Truby, all earned their sequential belts or cordas and brought home some proud new colour to the classes here in Comox.

Teachers Simao Diaz and Alicia Fennell also were promoted to their next belt level.  Students work hard training minimum two days per week with dedication and love of the artform to earn their belts.  At the Batizado and Troca de Corda the students had the opportunity to show their skills and practise their games.

At the event the students met professors, teachers, students and masters from all over the world.

In the Capoeira Competition on July 27,  Comox Valley’s Jonathan Blancas placed third in the beginners category after competing against capoeiristas from as far away as Mexico, Sweden and Germany.

Although tired from the long days and hard training all of the Comox Valley Capoeiristas came home satisfied, proud and with a little more experience and knowledge in the rich artform and culture of Capoeira.

For more information on classes or demonstrations  click or call 250-898-7918.

– Axé Capoeira Comox Valley





Comox Valley Record