The Hooked on Dancing partner dance class is the most popular class offered by the recreation department this fall. Because of strong demand, a second evening was opened up for the class. It is held on Wednesday and Monday evenings.

The Hooked on Dancing partner dance class is the most popular class offered by the recreation department this fall. Because of strong demand, a second evening was opened up for the class. It is held on Wednesday and Monday evenings.

Back to school and the swim of things

It’s official. We are back to the swing of things. Back to school. Back to routine. Back to organized sports, lessons and more.

It’s official. We are back to the swing of things. Back to school. Back to routine. Back to organized sports, lessons and more.

My family consists of three boys entering Grade 3, Grade 1 and a two-year old who rules the world.

The back to school excitement and jitters have now calmed down. Teachers and classmates assigned. All is well. Exhale!

This week offers new excitement with the Aquatic Centre re-opening after its annual two-week shutdown for maintenance.

Hats off to the aquatic staff who re-painted, refurbished, scrubbed, and overhauled the fitness centre, lobby, meeting room, mechanical room, change rooms, pool and deck space. Thank you!

September is open season for the mad dash of registrations for the fall.

Red Cross Swimming Lessons start next week and there is still room available for some levels.

With a staggering 40 drownings in B.C. this year, we continue to encourage families and schools to mandate that children become water safe.

Becoming a strong swimmer with lifesaving skills allows our youth to enjoy the Okanagan life while minimizing safety concerns.

It’s a good idea to introduce your child to the water while they are young.

My two-year-old is excited about starting his Parent and Tot Swimming Lessons.

He actually asks to go underwater or as we call it, be a submarine.

It’s important for me that he starts to learn water and safety skills. It’s also our special time to have fun together. I’m sentimental as this is his last session with me in the water with him. He’s turning three which allows him to join the first level of unparented Red Cross swim lessons.

Freedom for me… err, I mean him!

There are other standout recreation programs and events.

Summerland Recreation received another ParticipACTION Teen Challenge grant which allows us to offer the Fall Teen Yoga program completely free. Simply register at the Aquatic Office. Sept. 22 to Dec. 8 from 4 to 5:15 p.m. for ages 12 to 17.

Our most popular class this fall, which basically went viral is our new Hooked on Dancing partner dance class.

This class not only filled up but the wait list grew so long that we opened up a second evening to accommodate the demand.

I believe it was social media that boosted its numbers as registrants encouraged other friends to join and have a party each Wednesday night (now Mondays as well.)

Instructor Paulette Wigston will get the classes two-stepping, waltzing, and line dancing in no time.

Many community events are around the corner as well. The Terry Fox Run is this Sunday, Sept. 20, with registration at 10:15 a.m.

The walk run bike starts at 11 a.m. at the Aquatic Centre. Visit

Friday, Sept. 25, is the Pro D Day Skate and Swim hosted by the Recreation Department.

This event sells out. All tickets must be purchased in advance at the Aquatic Centre for $6, for ages six to 15.

Call the Recreation Office at 250-494-0447 for more details about any event or program.

Joanne Malar is the program coordinator for Summerland Recreation, three-time Olympic swimmer, 2012 Olympic Commentator, kinesiologist and holistic nutritionist.


Summerland Review