Ballenas volleyball success

The Ballenas Whalers senior girls volleyball team had a good, second place finish, at the Timberline Halloween Classic

The Ballenas Whalers senior girls volleyball team had a good, second place finish, at the Timberline Halloween Classic, hosted by the number one ranked Campbell River Timberline Wolves.

Coming off a first place finish at their last tournament, the Whalers came out strong again and found themselves on the winning end of a surprising semi-final match against a tough Ladysmith team.

“The usual outcome for us when we play Ladysmith is a pretty humiliating beat down,” coach John Philip said. “We’re usually pretty lucky to score 12 points. For some reason on Saturday we approached the match with a different attitude and came out determined to play better.”

The outcome was an entertaining match, which the Whalers won by a score of 25-20, 20-25, 15-12. Emily Robertson, Chloe Pezel and Mariah St Pierre had five kills each in a well-distributed attack.

The Whalers then found themselves up against the host Wolves, who have been playing well all season and lived up to their number one AAA provincial ranking. The Wolves were just too much for the Whalers in the final, beating them 25-8, 25-13.

With the team steadily improving, the Whalers will now head to Dover Bay for the North Island Championships. Finish with a good placing and it’s on to the Island Championships. The Whalers senior girls will then host the girl’s AAA Provincial Volleyball Championships, November 27-29.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News