Ballenas Whalers senior girls undefeated

Senior girls entered North Island tourney as the top seed

The Ballenas Whalers senior girls soccer team is off to the North Islands this week down in Mill Bay after having won their league with a record of 4-0.

Unbeaten in league play, the Whalers girls won both of their playoff seeding games last week by scores of 3-0 over the Gulf Islands Scorpions and 4-0 over the NDSS Islanders. In their last two games, Grade 12 Emily Robertson has been a goal-scoring machine, putting up all 7 Whalers goals for her team. Head coach Larry Stefanek likes what he’s seen from his squad so far this season and is expecting to see much of the same at the North Island tournament.

“Things have been going real well,” Stefanek said. “We’re peaking at the right time right now, which is always a good thing. We’re getting better and better every game, our intensity has come up quite a bit too. We’ve got 5 of our seniors that play in the Vancouver Island Premier League and they’ve really set the table for the team in terms of intensity heading into each game for us.”

This gives the Whalers the first overall seed as they enter the North Island Tournament, taking place at Brentwood College.

The tournament kicked off on Monday and wraps up today (scores not available at our deadline).

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