Banner day for Van Lent on the green

Leanne Van Lent had a great day on the Alberni Golf Course last Tuesday.

Leanne Van Lent had a great day on the Alberni Golf Course last Tuesday.

Van Lent tied with Jani Denis in the low handicap group for the nine-hole ladies. She also won the low net as well as having the lowest putts.

For the high handicap group Louise Berlinski won low gross, Lauralee Edgell won low net and Lois Robinson had the lowest putts.  Van Lent had a birdie on No. 13. Pars were had by Jani Denis on No. 18, Claudia Romaniuk No. 17, June Parks No. 13, Carol Jaworski No. 13, Marta Williamson No. 11 and 17, Julie Swaney No. 18, Van Lent No. 17, Lauralee Edgell No. 12 and 13 and Pat Dahlquist had a chip in par on No. 17.

For the 18-hole ladies, Janice Cross had a very impressive 77 in winning the low gross. There was a three-way tie for low net of 68 between Carol Hastings, Leona Fowler and Patsy Gauthier.

For the ball sweep Kathy White had the KP on No. 2 and B-Jay Harper won for closest to the pin on No. 16.

White also won the special prize.

Cross had birdies on Nos. 2 and 4.

Here’s a quote for you: “A player who thinks she is executing a plan is more likely to be decisive than a player who walks onto the tee wondering what to do. Decisive players, by and large, hit better golf shots.”


Alberni Valley News