Bantam hockey tournament a good experience for all

An upset at 100 Mile Minor Hockey Bantam House Tournament the weekend before last saw dark horse Williams Lake Blackjacks come from behind to take the tourney championship.

Clearwater Bantam House player #14 Triston Huybregts takes a shot on the 100 Mile net during a tournament at that Cariboo community the weekend before last.   Photo courtesy 100 Mile Free Press

Clearwater Bantam House player #14 Triston Huybregts takes a shot on the 100 Mile net during a tournament at that Cariboo community the weekend before last.  Photo courtesy 100 Mile Free Press

An upset at 100 Mile Minor Hockey Bantam House Tournament the weekend before last saw dark horse Williams Lake Blackjacks come from behind to take the tourney championship.

The five-team event, held at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre, saw the Blackjacks in fourth place after round-robin play. It sent the team into a semi-final game against Clearwater, the first-place round-robin squad, and the lake city team won the berth into the finals.

Caroline Jeffrey, a tournament coordinator, says the Clearwater upset was a surprise.

“They were a very strong team. They had three wins and one loss after round robin.”

The result sent the Blackjacks into a lively tournament final with 100 Mile Mayvin Gas and Heat.

The third period saw one final Blackjack goal, which brought the final score to 5-3 for the visitors from Williams Lake and put 100 Mile Mayvin in second place.

Clearwater finished the tournament in third place, followed by Williams Lake Royal Canadian Legion in fourth and 100 Mile Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza in fifth.

The tournament did not allow hitting and Jeffrey says it was a nice opportunity for the local house teams to get game experience with a variety of other teams.

All of the participants were given 100 Mile House Minor Hockey T-shirts and a free lunch at the concession stand, as gifts from the hockey club and tournament committee.

Clearwater Times