Quesnel Tireland player Rylan Murphy chases the puck during his team’s game against Williams Lake on Saturday.Melanie Law photos

Quesnel Tireland player Rylan Murphy chases the puck during his team’s game against Williams Lake on Saturday.Melanie Law photos

Bantams host final hockey tournament of the season at WF Centre

Quesnel's teams did well against five out-of-town teams

Quesnel and District Minor Hockey Association held its last house tournament last weekend (Mar. 3-4) at West Fraser Centre, inviting teams from across the region to Quesnel for the final games.

Eight bantam teams (with players age 13 and 14) in total played, with three from Quesnel, two from Prince George, and one each from Mackenzie, Williams Lake and Kamloops. It was a great turnout for the house tournament, says bantam house director Wendy Falloon.

“I normally organize a six-team tournament but this year they let me hold one for eight teams. It’s more variety, which is nice,” she notes.

The Prince George Extreme Kids team took first place, playing well throughout the weekend.

In second place was Quesnel Remax, and in third was Quesnel West Fraser Mills team, which played a hard-won game against Kamloops to clinch the spot, winning by one goal.

Kamloops came fourth, Quesnel Tireland fifth, Williams Lake sixth, Mackenzie seventh and Prince George Northlands Water eighth.

Falloon says the out-of-town players and parents were impressed with Quesnel’s arena and the tournament as a whole went well.

“All the players did so well. A lot of parents and players were overwhelmed with our arena. It was [the bantams’] first tournament in the new arena, so it was exciting,” she says.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer