The Bantam Wildcats kept their lead throughout the game.

The Bantam Wildcats kept their lead throughout the game.

Bantams start season battling it out on Nakusp ice

More hockey action is forecast this season on the ice at the Nakusp Arena.

The hockey season is ON this year, starting with a bang in Nakusp with a game between the Women’s Kootenay Bantam Wildcats and the Vernon Bantam A Lakers on Sunday, September 30.

The crowd was small for the game, but the action on the ice was still tough. The Wildcats had achieved a 4-0 lead by the middle of the second period, but the Lakers came back with three goals in the third, making the game a nail-biter after all.

In the end, the Lakers were unable to tie it up, and the Wildcats kept their win.

More hockey action is forecast this season on the ice at the Nakusp Arena.


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