Barriere Fun Run off to a great start

Butcher finished the Barriere Fun Run 10km in just 1.05:17.

Bruce Butcher (#4527) says he will be 77-years-old in August of this year, but that hasn’t slowed the Kamloops resident down any.  Butcher finished the Barriere Fun Run 10km in just 1.05:17, and says he had a great time doing it.  Butcher joined the sport at age 66 to spend time with his daughter, and says he has been running every since.

Bruce Butcher (#4527) says he will be 77-years-old in August of this year, but that hasn’t slowed the Kamloops resident down any. Butcher finished the Barriere Fun Run 10km in just 1.05:17, and says he had a great time doing it. Butcher joined the sport at age 66 to spend time with his daughter, and says he has been running every since.

Barriere Star Journal